Friday, June 12, 2009

Easter 2009

We took these pictures out at Lake Lamar Bruce and the sun was way too bright. I was disappointed that they were so shadowy. We ended up taking the kids to my bosses house the next weekend to take more Easter pictures. I will post them later. They were much better!

Trix's new haircut

Trix was way over due for his grooming. In the summer we have to get him shaved down because he has so much fur. He looked a little funny at first!

Two Sweet Kids

I love this picture. Jackson loves to sit in sissy's
lap while they watch the Backyardigans!
I think she loves it too!

Wake Up Sleepy Head

This is for all my friends and family that say Jackson looks like Ben.
Yes now I see......
Come on Mommy just 5 more minutes....

The old stretch and grut.....

Ok now I am up!
Where is my breakfast?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Playing in the Dirt

This is where we had our pool last year and now it is just the dirt pile.
Let me just say that my kids love it!The little digger!
The dirt thrower!

This gives new meaning to the word filthy!

Snow in Tupleo

This is the second year in a row that it
has snowed in Tupelo. It was not as much as we got last year but it was still nice to see. By the time the kids got up it was already melting :( That is why I don't have any pictures of them playing in it. Maybe next year...

Jackson at 18 months old

Here is my little man the day he turned 18 months old. I can not believe he is already this old. It seems like he was just born. God has really blessed us with such a wonderful little boy that is full of life! I just love his sweet little face!

Memphis Zoo

We took the kids to the Memphis Zoo back in March. It was such a nice day. We actually brought a picnic lunch and ate it before we went in. While we were eating we saw police riding horseback and Madelyn went crazy! She is a horse lover!Madelyn making friends with the horses.
The farm was her favorite part of course.

Jackson was not to sure about the horses.
But he loved to hear the rooster crow.

Jackson was not to sure about the eggs either....

Or the cow!

What a fun day for the Young Family!

Purity Ball

This year our church hosted a purity ball for the girls and boys to attend. This meant so much to Madelyn. She felt just like Cinderella! Ben was so wonderful to her. He went by Jody's and got her a long stem rose and a corsage for her wrist. When he got home he got down on one knee and asked Madelyn if she would go to the ball with him and gave her the rose. Talk about a sweet moment. Then before we left he told her that one day some boy was going to fall in love with her but until that day she had to promise to be his princess.

This was the prayer box necklace that we presented to Madelyn. She was to place a kiss in it and promise to keep it there until God lead her to her future husband. How sweet!

Daddy and his little princess......

The dance.....while they were dancing someone was singing "Dance with Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman. I was boo hooing big time. I will never forget this moment!

Me and my little prince!

Valentine's Day at the Young Home

Jackson and his Pooh balloon. He kept taking Madelyn's also. Imagine that~
This was taken right before he took Madelyn's balloon again....

Madelyn is all excited!

Madelyn's Valentine Party At Calvary

OK I know that it is June and I am just now posting stuff from February. One of my best friend's husband gave me hard time a couple of Sundays ago at church about me needing to update my blog. So needless to say I am trying to catch back up.
This was the Valentine party for Madelyn's class. My mom got to come and go with us and Madelyn was so excited about that. As you can see she had a blast. Look at her running with that balloon between her knees. The parents had to participate in that game also. And no I am not posting that picture. I will save you the laugh!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Little Bo Peep Lost Her Sheep

I love this picture. This is a mask that Madelyn made in Sunday school. While Madelyn was at school one day Jackson and I had fun with it. When I put it on myself he got really upset. When I would take it off and say "peek-a-boo" he would laugh and then when I put it back on he would cry. I got so tickled at him.

Future Doctor?

This picture has a funny story to go along with it. After I took about 3 pictures of Jackson with his doctor gear he started walking away so I was going to try to get a few more. Well as I turned to follow him I fell down and hit both of my elbows on the floor......needless to say I am bruised up! I thought it was ironic that I fell and he had his doctor gear.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 Princesses

This is Madelyn's friend Clara. She is in Madelyn's Kindergarten Class and also goes to our church. She is such a sweet little girl. Her friendship has been such a blessing to Madelyn. I am sad that they will not go to school together next year. But at least we will still see her at church.
Madelyn and Clara had just watched some of "Barbie and the Diamond Castle" so they wanted to act out the princesses in the movie. I thought they were so cute!

God's little princesses!!!!!

Curly Sue

I rolled Madelyn's hair for church one Sunday. She was so excited to have all those curls. Bless her heart by the time we got back home from church all the curls had fallen out. She has my straight hair. I am so glad I took these pictures.

Jackson's First Haircut

Jackson got his first haircut on January 13th. He thought he was so big up on the horse.

This is Blair, who cut his hair. She was so wonderful with him.

Speed Racer

This is a car that Uncle Richard (Ben's brother) built for Madelyn and Jackson last Christmas (2007). Jackson can't make it go by himself so we looped one of Trix's leashes around the stirring wheel and secured Jackson in with a jump rope and Madelyn pulled him. I know we must have looked funny to the neighbors. But who cares we were having a blast.

Jackson is Walking.....FINALLY!!!!!

Jackson starting walking the second week of January. We were so excited because he was 16 months old and all his little buddies had been walking for awhile. Today is February 3rd and he will be 17 months old in 2 days and he is walking everywhere now.