Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

Decorating a Gingerbread House is a Christmas tradition
we started when Madelyn was 2 years old.
This year Madelyn was more interested in eating
the candy than decorating.
But look at my face....I am all into it!
This year Madelyn's friend Carson and his little sister Emilia
came over and decorated a house with us.
Shawna, Carson's mom has a eye for decorating!
Here are the finished products.
Our house ended up caving in because
we did not hold the sides together long enough.
I hate I did not take a picture of that.
It was funny!

Christmas with the Young's

Nana, Pop, Uncle Richard and Aunt Alison came a few weeks early to celebrate Christmas with us in Tupelo. They live in Meridian, Mississippi where Ben and I were born and raised. Here are the happy couples now. Can you guess which one is Pop? Before Alison married Richard we told her that we didn't take a lot of pictures in this family. Wonder if she has figured out that we were lying yet?

Of course they spoiled us all with wonderful gifts. Madelyn got a my little pony that dances and sings, a digital camera, a doll table and chair set, tickets for pony rides at the buffalo park, educational magnet sets, and a coloring book. Ben and I received a much needed gift of money. Nana also gave Ben a very treasured cross-sticted Nativity scene. She made it when Ben was little boy and he has always loved it.

For dinner we had Pork roast, sweet potato casserole, brocolli casserole, deviled eggs, squash and rolls. For dessert we had a runny pecan pie (thanks to my oven) and a chocolate chess pie. Pops said he liked runney pecan pie....but I think he was trying to make me feel better!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dressed up for Church (December 2008)

This is the pictures we took of Madelyn and Jackson
the Sunday before Christmas. I love those outfits and am sad
that they didn't get to wear them much. Maybe Madelyn will still
fit that dress next year........

This is the picture that we used for our Christmas
card this year. Look at those sweet faces. I could eat
them up!

Calvary Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

Madelyn's kindergarten hosted a Thanksgiving Feast at her school.
We had a huge meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls and dessert. It was yummy! Our assigned food to bring was green beans....I think we got off easy.
After dinner the kids put on a show for the parents.
They were dressed like indians
and sung lots of really funny songs.
I will let you guess who was singing her
little heart out. She does not have a
shy bone in her body!

Carving Pumpkins Oct 2008

We had so much fun carving pumpkins this year. Madelyn actually did most of her pumpkin her self. We soon learned that Madelyn is an expert Pumpkin Carver! After we carved the pumpkins we toasted some pumpkin seeds. Which by the way I burnt....ha ha.....

I thought these were good pictures of Madelyn and Jackson with the pumpkins. I love the one with Jackson propped up on the pumpkin. He thought he was so big because he was standing. I love my sweet babies!

Halloween 2008

The Tail of a Cowgirl and Her Monkey.......
Madelyn decided she wanted to be a cowgirl for the second year in a row.
I think Jackson won the cutest monkey contest!

Monkey on the move....

Howdy partner!

Madelyn was so excited to get to go trick-or-treating with her
good friend Bella Claire.

Jackson and his buddy Brooks.
What a cute bumblebee!

This was at the Harvest Hoe Down at our church.
Madelyn had so much fun.
Giddy up!

It took some time to get Jackson to cooperate for this picture.

Blue Mountain Pumpkin Patch October 2008

Madelyn's Calvary Kindergarten class took a field trip to
The Pumpkin Patch in Blue Mountain, Mississippi.
I was so thrilled to get to go with her!

Madelyn was so proud of her "little pumpkin".
She wanted to get one for her little brother Jackson.
So sweet!

Madelyn is getting some time in with the ponies.
She loves animals so this was a big day for her!

Now tell me that this is not the cutest egg you have ever seen?

Madelyn with her friends Clara and Abbie Grace.

Carson Langford showing off his prize pumpkin.
What a cutie!