Saturday, February 7, 2009

Little Bo Peep Lost Her Sheep

I love this picture. This is a mask that Madelyn made in Sunday school. While Madelyn was at school one day Jackson and I had fun with it. When I put it on myself he got really upset. When I would take it off and say "peek-a-boo" he would laugh and then when I put it back on he would cry. I got so tickled at him.

Future Doctor?

This picture has a funny story to go along with it. After I took about 3 pictures of Jackson with his doctor gear he started walking away so I was going to try to get a few more. Well as I turned to follow him I fell down and hit both of my elbows on the floor......needless to say I am bruised up! I thought it was ironic that I fell and he had his doctor gear.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 Princesses

This is Madelyn's friend Clara. She is in Madelyn's Kindergarten Class and also goes to our church. She is such a sweet little girl. Her friendship has been such a blessing to Madelyn. I am sad that they will not go to school together next year. But at least we will still see her at church.
Madelyn and Clara had just watched some of "Barbie and the Diamond Castle" so they wanted to act out the princesses in the movie. I thought they were so cute!

God's little princesses!!!!!

Curly Sue

I rolled Madelyn's hair for church one Sunday. She was so excited to have all those curls. Bless her heart by the time we got back home from church all the curls had fallen out. She has my straight hair. I am so glad I took these pictures.

Jackson's First Haircut

Jackson got his first haircut on January 13th. He thought he was so big up on the horse.

This is Blair, who cut his hair. She was so wonderful with him.

Speed Racer

This is a car that Uncle Richard (Ben's brother) built for Madelyn and Jackson last Christmas (2007). Jackson can't make it go by himself so we looped one of Trix's leashes around the stirring wheel and secured Jackson in with a jump rope and Madelyn pulled him. I know we must have looked funny to the neighbors. But who cares we were having a blast.

Jackson is Walking.....FINALLY!!!!!

Jackson starting walking the second week of January. We were so excited because he was 16 months old and all his little buddies had been walking for awhile. Today is February 3rd and he will be 17 months old in 2 days and he is walking everywhere now.

We Got the Beat

For Christmas I got Ben the X-Box game of Rockband. Now I am not sure who enjoys it more him or Madelyn. It has a lot of the old 80 songs on it. The two Madelyn gets to play is "The Eye of the Tiger" and "We Got the Beat". Suprisingly she is very good at the drums. Ben likes to play the guitar the most. I shouldn't put this in here because he is going to kill me but it is so funny. Two days after Christmas Ben woke up and his shoulder was killing him. We later put 2 and 2 together and it was from playing the guitar. How funny! Madelyn also likes to sing "We got the Beat" She doesn't know all the words but when it gets to the chorus she sings her little heart out. Of course they only know one volume when it comes to this game and that is LOUD! What have I gotten myself into.......


I just had to put these pictures on the blog because this was the day Jackson learned how to get on and off his school bus that Santa brought. He was so proud of hisself. Ok so maybe I was a little proud too!

Madelyn's Den

Ok I know you are looking at the title of this entry and thinking what in the world.....Let me explain. When I was little my mom used to make us "tents" in our bedrooms out of sheets and blankets to play in. So I made one for Madelyn and Jackson. Well if you know anything about Madelyn she loves animals. So my tent became Madelyn's den. I don't know if you can see her expression good in the first picture but she was growling at me because "I was invading her territory" as she said. God blessed Madelyn with such a wonderful imagination and he blessed me because she makes me laugh!

Help I Need A Haircut

This is a picture we took of Jackson just a few days before his first haircut. He is just out of the tub and I thought it was cute to just spike up his hair all over. Of course now looking at the picture my hair needed more work than his. Can you say slicked back???

I love my blue-eyed little man!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Christmas with the Hardy Family

My parents came the weekend after Christmas to celebrate with us. I was hoping that my Grandma Joyce would get to come but she was still recovering from her surgery.
Of course G and papaw brought more if this house could hold one more toy! My neice Kaylynn came with them and Madelyn was so excited to see her.

The proud grandparents.

Madelyn and Kaylynn

Papaw getting some time in with Jackson.
They became big buddies. Jackson stayed in his lap most of the day.

Here is Madelyn enjoying banana pudding....Papaw's favorite.

Christmas Memories 2008

Me and my little man.
Madelyn and little she call him.
Jackson played with Madelyn's toys more than his own.

Madelyn feeding her new doll, Paige. She really got into the mommie thing.

Madelyn giving Paige her blankie.

Look at the loot!

Christmas Morning at the Young House

Ben is very excited over what Santa put in his stocking!

Jackson and his fire truck. It makes a popping sound when you push it.
Very loud....Thanks Santa!

Jackson and his Leap Frog School Bus. Another loud toy....

Madelyn and her Swim-To-Me-Puppy.

Look at that sweet face. She had so much fun!

Santa Clause Came To Tupelo

Christmas Morning at the Young House

We had such a wonderful Christmas. We didn't go anywhere we just stayed at home and enjoyed watching Madelyn and Jackson play with there new toys. Jackson was the first one up and we let him get Madelyn up. Jackson of course did not know what to think about his new toys but Madelyn was bouncing off the walls!

Jackson playing with his art easel.

Madelyn is proud of her stocking. Can you tell???
It looks almost as big as her.

I love this picture. This is Madelyn with her new doll, Paige.
She was rocking her and singing to her. What a sweet little mommie!

Jackson playing with Madelyn's Littlest Pet Shop.
Look at that guilty face!

One very happy little girl!