Saturday, June 19, 2010

In Memory of My Daddy

I wondered if I should even blog this but felt like God is using the loss of my daddy to build my testimony. May 30, 2010 my sweet daddy went to be with Jesus. He was killed in a tragic boat accident. Words can not express my sorrow. It hurts so deep as I think about it right now. Although this is by far the hardest thing I have ever dealt with it is also the closest I have ever felt to God. All I can say is that His word is true...He is near to the broken-hearted (Psalm 34:18) My family has been so blessed by the tremendous support we have felt from our extended family and friends. God has used so many wonderful people to comfort and encourage us. My daddy had a quite and gentle spirit. He was a man of few words but when he did speak what he said always held importance. He was very honest, a man of his word. He was extremely dedicated and held the same job for 42 years, his first and only job. This coming July he would have been married to my precious momma for 40 years. He was a simple man who enjoyed being outdoors. His favorite thing to do was to camp at Pearl River, which is where he left this earth. Although I know I will never stop missing him, I find such peace in knowing that this life on earth is not the final chapter and some day when God calls me home I will see my daddy again.


  1. Angie, what precious words to honor your daddy's memory at Father's Day. It touched my heart. You and your family will keep on being in my prayers. Thank you for your testimony of how God is comforting you. Love in Christ, Renee'
