Saturday, April 24, 2010

Madelyn's Salvation

Madelyn asked Jesus into her heart on October 2, 2009. She had been asking questions for some time now. We were doing a bible lesson on the women at the well and the living water. She wanted to know how she could get this living water and I explained to her that Jesus was the living water the Bible was talking about. I told her that to have this living water the Bible was talking about she needed to ask Jesus into her heart. Of course to this she said "Jesus has always been in my heart" So we talked some more and called our pastor who told us some questions to ask Madelyn to make sure she understood everything. When Ben got home we talked some more and she kept insisting she was ready. So in the kitchen we all kneeled and she said her own prayer and asked Jesus into her heart. I will never forget my little girl crying as she asked Jesus into her heart and telling him how she needed Him to forgive her of her sins and that she wanted to be with Him forever. As she said Amen she looked up and said "I feel quiet different" What an awesome experience! Thank you Lord for allowing me to be there when my daughter came to know You! It gave me such a picture of what God means when he says we should all have the faith of a little child.

1 comment:

  1. I am so,so thankful for Madelyn's salvation! I still remember rejoicing with you when you called to tell me the wonderful news. We will be happy to see her baptism this Sunday!
